ITC – EYE ParkGuide


Brief description of ITC-EYE ParkGuide

ITC-EYE ParkGuide is a stationary system for enforcing parking rules and controlling paid parking places. ITC-EYE ParkGuide system consists of several stationary or rotating street cameras, which observe a section of the parking lot. Cameras are synchronized so as prevent appearance of ”blind zones”.

The system operates automatically 24/7. System computer collects video data from all cameras. Than, computer performs automatic recognition of license plates, detects offending vehicles, and sends compiled data to storage and processing server.

Principal advantage of ITC EYE ParkGuide is its ability to control parking lots, where large numbers of vehicles can congregate and obscure field of observation. Any number of cameras can be used to ensure full control of all parts of a given parking lot. To combat “blind zones”, reserve cameras can be set up to observe every position from different angles. Required number of cameras and their positions can be determined on site, depending on the size and shape of observed area.

Control of parking lots adjacent to major infrastructure sites, such as train stations, airports, large shopping malls is a significant element of traffic control and management.

ITC-EYE ParkGuide can record parking offences on city streets.

Rotating cameras of the system can control long stretches of streets, sidewalks and alleyways. Rotating cameras ensure reliable control of complicated sections of the street, inaccessible to stationary cameras.

ITC-EYE ParkGuide system is an optimum solution for parking lots. Unlike in-line parkings, usually located along the road, beside a sidewalk, a parking lot is a large space with multiple parking lanes.

Such parking lots are peculiar due to aggregation of a large number of densely parked vehicles. Different shapes and sizes of vehicles create “blind zones” by hiding each other from camera’s field of vision.

ITC-EYE ParkGuide operating principles

A parking lot is divided into virtual control zones in such a way that system cameras periodically scan the zones. Camera algorithm is preset to make sure that cameras cover each others fields of vision.

Such arrangement is necessary to eliminate “blind zones”, which would otherwise appear with arrival of large vehicles that would otherwise hide other vehicles from camera. Hence, the system has to be arranged to take into account the size of the lot along with possible large objects that may be present.

Compilation of data

Upon detecting and recognizing a license plate, ITC-EYE ParkGuide software creates a log entry. An entry contains the following items: image of the vehicle, recognized license plate, date, time, coordinates or address of the traffic offence (if any), parking place number (optional for paid parking lots).

Data transfer

Video footage from all cameras is sent to system operators workstation. Workstation computer automatically creates a log with a wide selection of filters. Data is then transferred to storage server.

Features of ITC-EYE Park Guide

Preset algorithm are the best way to utilize all advantages of rotating cameras – 360° monitoring and zooming in without loss of image quality. Thus, a rotating dome camera is an optimum solution for a large parking lot – maximum area coverage with least number of cameras.

– recognition of license plates of 795 types from 87 стран (97%);

– real time license plate recognition;

– wide selection of recording options;

– no angle of installation requirements;

– remote positioning setup (preset);

– built-in IR light;

– traffic registration.

Application of ITC-EYE ParkGuide 

ITC-EYE ParkGuide system is the best solution for parking lots adjacent to sites, such as train stations, airports, large shopping malls, and other public spaces, which require close traffic monitoring.

Applications of ITC-EYE ParkGuide are not limited to monitoring paid parking lots. The same system can be put to other uses – security in crowded areas; counting free parking spots;  24/7 supervision of parked vehicles.

Apart from controlling public parkings, ITC-EYE ParkGuide is also well suited for monitoring gated compounds, where recording and logging vehicle movements is usually needed.